The Topovske šupe – Photo Archive


August - November 1941

about 5,000 male Jews, about 1,500 male Roma

all shot in the execution sites around Belgrade


The Piliš family from Zrenjanin on their way to the Topovske Šupe camp to visit their imprisoned relatives, October 1941.

Source: Jewish Historical Museum, k. 24-2a-1/1


Entrance to the complex of Autokomanda before WWII.

Source: Rena Redle, Milovan Pisarri, Mesta stradanja i antifašističke borbe u Beogradu. Priručnik za čitanje grada, FPI, Beograd, 2014)


Belgrade photographed from the air in 1944. The Autkomanda complex can be seen in the centre.

Source: Home Interview With WWII Veteran Army Air Corps 1st Lt. Martin Weinstein -part III, War Stories,